Adieu to another year -2023. A year that bought with it a major change: the SAT turned digital!

For a training institute, an over-haul of a test means many things – new resources, upgraded infrastructure, dynamic trainers to take on the ‘new’ content, and, of course, the anxiety about how students/learners will take to the change. So, in a way, 2023 turned out to be a super active year (more so after the slow pace of the preceding COVID years!).

The SAT changed from the March 2023 test date, ushering in 6 subsequent SAT tests through the year, with virtually a marathon run of tests in a sequence – August, October, November, and December! The good old SAT finally went in for a complete overhaul and, as always, Option took up the challenge – running groups and private courses for the March 2023 first Digital SAT from as early as December 2022!

As I pen this piece, I feel euphoric and yet humbled by the amazing 2023 SAT results and the heartening Early Decision outcomes that US schools sent out in early December! This note has many purposes: to share the statistics of the Digital SAT results for the entire year, to congratulate students who made it to their ED schools, to thank the parents who selected Option to mentor their children for the DSAT, and, most important, to thank all the wonderful students we got to groom!

In sum, 2023 came with challenges, but left us with a sense of achievement, peace, and great prospects for another year ahead!

Wish everyone a great 2024 ahead!