An Option for Success, An Option for Turning Dreams into Reality

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An Option for Success, An Option for Turning Dreams into Reality

Option for Success

Thank you!! Shukran!!

Today, when I pen this first blog, it’s not about me, it’s not about Option. It’s about all those I have been fortunate to cross paths with in my quest to make learning a pleasurable experience and an unmatched asset.

I want to thank all my students in every corner of the world for what they let me do with them and for them; I want to bless them for allowing me to be a mentor. I want to reach out to them and invite them to be with me in this new journey I am setting out on. Option Dubai is because of you. It is you!!!

I recall how you often told me that I had outgrown my platform, needed more soil to grow in, and deserved to challenge myself with a bigger arena. In 12 years, Option became a name to reckon with, a reliable academic partner, a family not only numerous but far-flung, and a name associated with trust and excellent service standards. And each one of you cherished your relationship with Option.

In March 2012, family circumstances required me to relocate to Dubai. I willingly did, convinced that the Options chapter of my life was over and I was moving to different pastures. I found employment and was resigned to my new avatar!!! I was now a trainer for Verbal. My enterprise, people skills, and experience were not worth a dime for my new role.

But as they say, QUE SERA SERA……whatever will be, the future is not yours to see. One year into my job, I suddenly woke up one morning to find myself animatedly tendering my resignation over the phone!!! That very moment, Option was reborn; I could breathe again, and most importantly, I could dream again.

My dream is to replicate in Dubai what I did in India. I dream of creating a platform that ushers in a new era in academic training. My dream is to grow the Option family tenfold and to partake in the dreams and aspirations of the students of this vibrant city.

Join me! Dare to dream, dare to strive, and you will achieve!

For for information you can contact us

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