SAT Chemistry Subject Test Question Types
October 1, 2016
The ACT Writing Section: Back to basics
October 17, 2016


SAT Essay

The New SAT essay is now optional, but most private colleges require it for admission. Hence, it is highly recommended to take the essay. The total time given for the essay is 50 minutes; the essay is scored on a scale of 2-8 by two examiners.

There are certain pointers to follow for the NEW SAT essay.

Firstly, respond to the given prompt and avoid giving your opinion. It’s essential to analyze the author’s argument and show evidence from the article with quotes, statistics, emotional language, and writing styles. No outside information is required to write this essay; respond to the prompt and show how the author persuades his/her reader on the points made in the article.

It is important to spend quality time reading the passage, but before reading it, look at the question that follows the passage. This is very important as the passage’s main point is hidden inside the question.

Take a look at the following prompt:

Write a response demonstrating how the author argues to persuade an audience that physical fitness should be a priority.

The question talks about physical fitness and its importance. That is the main idea of the entire passage, and your focus should also be on the same idea. As you read through the passage, keep that main idea in mind, and everything the author is arguing must relate to the main idea and prove that idea. Look for ways the author uses to convince the reader of his idea. Evidence, logic, reason, and stylistic or persuasive elements can be used.

As you read the passage, mark these approaches the author uses to help you craft your perfect essay. Make sure to write on only the persuasive devices that the author uses to convince his reader. Avoid writing about the author’s failure to present a point. A good way to do this is by maintaining neutrality about the topic or argument. Limit yourself to writing the devices the writer uses to be persuasive about the topic.

An opening paragraph describing your thesis is a really good structure for your essay. The thesis is your central argument. For instance, your thesis may state that the author uses statistical evidence, ironic language, and emotional appeal to persuade the readers that physical fitness should be a priority.

Following your introductory paragraph, you should have two or three body paragraphs, each of which should be devoted to explaining in detail the different elements of your thesis statement. The final paragraph is the concluding paragraph, where you restate your thesis in a slightly different language. Always finish your essay 5 minutes before the given time. This helps you to review your essay and check on any errors you might have made.


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