Option has dedicatedly worked on understanding the different tests and evolving effective classroom strategies to tackle even the worst questions these tests are so good at throwing at test takers. Of course, each of these tests exhibits different peculiarities that require different skills from the test taker. So, penning a general list of what training at Option specializes in would be a wrong approach; our platform for the SAT training is different from that for the GMAT or the GRE training.

So let’s start by answering the most important question every student planning to take the GMAT must ask before he intelligently selects a training institute – Why Option? By asking this question, the student not only exercises his right but allows us to explain some of the myths about GMAT training – how easy it is to score a 700+ and how so many students have scored a 700.

So you will too, how native speakers are the panacea for all your training problems and how graduates from Ivy League colleges make the best trainers!!!! We wish all this garble were true. But because it is not, most students find themselves nowhere after the so-called ‘training’ they were made to believe they were being put through.

Only a handful, mostly the already fairly strong students, actually get the score they aimed at, and these handfuls are marketed as the rule, not the exception, that they are!!! The scenario is pretty bleak regarding intelligent questioning, and not many of the ‘dream merchants’ can deliver what is promised.

Option Training Institute, Dubai, would be better categorized as a boutique training platform. We work by one fundamental – quality – and strive to offer each student an especially gratifying academic experience that translates into good scores and far-sighted and smart career planning.

What use is a high GMAT score if the student still finds nowhere in admissions? Is it not the duty of a ‘GMAT PREPARATION COURSE’ to guide the candidate in all dimensions of his preparation? As Option sees it, a prep course must approach training holistically and provide the student with all the possible avenues for learning and planning.

Below are the three features that mark Option out from among others, three reasons that answer the question – Why Option for GMAT preparation?

1. A sound investment: Money is hard-earned no matter how much or how little you have, so put it to the right use.

Courses at Option have a stipulated duration. However, because we know that different students have different learning abilities and speeds, we encourage students to ‘stretch’ their learning time at our institute by finishing their courses and repeating them with another group or batch to maximize learning.

To this end, we also organize random lectures on various topics. Admission to these lectures is open to all. This allows students to meet, interact, and derive from each other. It also expands each one’s exposure to opportunities.

This flexibility in course duration eases the pressure on students and naturally enhances performance. At the same time, the random sessions add to the excitement of the training and accommodate the importance of interaction in making the GMAT preparation course worth the money you pay for it!

2. The GMAT is about real skills, not cosmetic surgery!

Option works to inculcate real skills that are robust enough to help a student tackle every conceivable trick on the test. Training is less theoretical and more practice-oriented, emphasizing interaction, questioning, and problem-solving. No doubt, projectors, and fancy apparatus add to the physical ambiance of a classroom.

Still, they must enhance proactive and aggressive inquiry beyond a few slides and constructed material. Learning knows no bounds, and students must be free to share and use materials they source. Why should a trainer have the easy way out by limiting class exchange to concepts presented on a few slides? Why must inquiry be curtailed by setting limits to discussion?

Option recommends the GMAT Official Guide as the first step to start preparation and gradually build up the teaching level to a crescendo by including worksheets, lectures, discussions, and home assignments in the class plan. The result is that the training manifests itself in good scores and better-equipped individuals who are well-informed, appreciate inquiry, and are better equipped to take on the task of applications.

3. The GMAT score is the first step: Plan where you are headed!

Option talks to you. Each student, enrolled or prospective, is an asset worthy of attention. As soon as you contact us and show an interest in our courses, we begin a communication with you that lasts long and proves useful. We discuss your career plans, study your resume, ask what your study schedule is, and understand you. You are then made to take a diagnostic test.

After this, the scores, the details of your profile, and the proposed GMAT test date are all entered into your profile page on our system and are shared with each of your trainers so that they all know about you. It is common to find yourself at an institute where the counselor and the trainer occupy different territories. Although you have shared all your details with the administration, the trainer – a vital link in the preparation – is clueless about you and your plans!!!! Even sadder is that the trainer does not mind that and trains a group with fatal apathy.

For any interaction to be productive, it must be intense and animated. Option and its trainers are people with a passion for delivering quality. They are free to engage in exercises catering to individual students’ needs despite being in groups. We frequently invite graduates from business schools to interact with students and even hold orientation sessions for application information at strategic points in the year to facilitate the whole effort triggered by the GMAT preparation course.

This is a simple effort to answer the question we set off to answer. But many more reasons exist for joining our large and successful fraternity. Option has worked hard to deliver what it promises and continues in its efforts to reach out to the students of Dubai and the UAE.

Join our Classes for comprehensive and personalized guidance tailored to your academic goals. Classes for Digital SatACT, APLNATUCAT.


September 7, 2023
Ask yourself – Why Option Training Institute

Ask yourself – Why Option Training Institute

Option has dedicatedly worked on understanding the different tests and evolving effective classroom strategies to tackle even the worst questions these tests are so good at […]
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Option for Success

An Option for Success, An Option for Turning Dreams into Reality

Thank you!! Shukran!! Today, when I pen this first blog, it’s not about me, it’s not about Option. It’s about all those I have been fortunate […]